9729873003, 9729873004, 7015378292

Science Lab


To induce the young minds to develop scientific temper and to harness their no. of skills, we at SLIS focus more on experimental aspects of science & Technology. Oour budding scientists do number of experiments to enhance their practical skills.

Physical laboratory is one of the ornaments of SLIS. It is well versed with scietific charts, portraits of great physicists and a number of scientific instruments. Students gets benefited by conducting a no. oof experiments on routie basis.


We have at SLIS a well equipped, spaciuos and advanced chemistry lab, where we provide the children an opportunity to learn by doing practically. Emphasis is laid on practical aspect which enhances the interest of the students in the subject. The students feel enthusiastic while performing the practicals in the lab. The primary objective is to encourage creative and original thinking in students and to inculcate the spirit of research.


An honest effort has been made in SLIS in the form of biology lab to acquire process skills which form a part of the attitude for developing a scientific temper.